Before and After School Program
Before School Care
As part of our service to families and as an extension of our philosophy, Saint Benedict Academy offers an optional Before-School Program (depending on need) 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. The cost of the program is $4.00 daily billed through FACTS.
After School Program
The After School Program is an extension of the school day and is available to students in PreK-Grade 6. The program runs daily from 2:30-5:30 PM. Students have snacks, outdoor time, homework time, and participate in activities that are both fun and enriching and provide them with opportunities to socialize and build community with their peers.
Hours: 2:30-5:30 with no programming on early release days
Who Can Attend: Any Saint Benedict Academy Student
Rates: $16 One Day
$32 Two Days
$48 Three Days
$64 Four Days
$80 Five Days
$20 per day drop in
Additional information can be found in the After School Program Handbook .