Drop Off And Pick Up Procedure
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure
Morning Drop Off
Students should be dropped off between 7:30 and 7:40 AM on Walker Street on the school side of the road. Please pull up as far as possible between the corner of Walker and Third Street and the rectory (big white building). Your child should exit the car on the passenger side. Staff will be present to help the younger children. Older children should exit the car independently. Please do not get out of your vehicle or have your child cross the road. Please allow the cars in front of you to pull out of the car line before pulling out. Children will then enter the building and proceed to their classrooms.
Afternoon Pick Up
Option One Walk Up:
Please park your car between the rectory (big white building) and park, in front of the park on Walker Street or on Ferry Street and walk to the playground. Please do not park in the car line. Walk-up students will be dismissed first onto the playground through the back door to allow time for them to arrive at their vehicles before the car line starts moving.
Option Two Car Line Pick Up:
Cars should pull up on Walker Street on the school side of the road. Please remain in your car with an 8x11 sign in the window with the family name of the child(ren) you are picking up. Staff will bring the children to the car. As soon as they are buckled please pull out of line so other cars can move forward. If your child needs assistance buckling please pull to the front of the line in order to do so. Please do not pull out of the carline until the car in front of you has pulled out.